Monday, June 25, 2012

DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) Free Turbine farming Update 1

I have had allot of questions about the previous post on "free play  Turbine Farming" I will examine each question  and explain.

  • Does my Alternate character earn favor and points?
Yes and No. Every character Earns Favor, but the Turbine Bonus is only awarded to your account once per server.  So, which ever Character on that server has the highest total Favor points is earning the bonus. All your characters on that sever will get a mail about the Turbine award though whether that was the character the earned it or not.

  • Do I have to do all the quest on elite the first time out to earn the TP (Turbine Points)?
  No, you can do the quest at what ever difficulty you think you can handle and succeed. Although, you get the maximum amount of Favor for completing them on Elite. You can always go back later at a higher level and do them again on Elite to earn the favor.

  • How much favor do I get for each quest, and how do I know what I have done already?
  Each Quest awards a different amount of Favor, based on the level and difficulty. If you hit the "P" button In-game, the Patron and adventure menu opens. You can see you total favor earned with each Patron or House. there is an Adventures tab there that will show you a list of all the quest available for your level and lower.  That adventure list can be sorted by alphabetical, level, patron, or favor earned.
 There you can see what you have already done what difficulty setting you completed it on and the quest you skipped or never started.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

DDO Beginers Creation help

DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) tips for beginners. Part 1 Character Creation

Choosing a Class:

   There are lots of choices to make in the beginning.  For the Melee Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, or Monk. For the Specialist choices you have:  Rough, Artificer, Ranger, and Bard. Finally my Favorite is the Caster Category:  Wizard, Cleric, Sorcerer, and Favored Soul.

   The choices there do affect your play style, and future choices.  The thing to remember is that your enjoyment and balance of ability is equal in any of the classes. All are different, but they all have strengths and weaknesses. Don't regret any choice you make. Just play on, I guarantee you will learn a good strategy for that class and have lots of fun finding out. If you ultimately get in there and don't like the way your characters turned out, or how he plays make a different one. Free play accounts have 4 character slots play around with it till you find one you like.  
    There have been many time I was playing my character in this game or others and an in-game friend starts asking me questions about how I did that, or what abilities that character has. Then a few minutes or hours later a new character comes up to me and says “hi it's me like my new wizard". That has happened with every class I have played. The best advice I can give about choosing a character class start with one that sounds like fun and try to get it to level 6 at least before you change your mind. Most classes start to get interesting around 6-8. And as you are out there grouped with other players, pay attention to what they do, and what they like, you may see another class choice you want for your next character.

Choosing a Race:

   The Next part of character creation is the race. There are a number of good choices for free and some have to be unlocked or purchased, but I would find one you like the first time out from the free choices.  After you play awhile you may find a race you are curious to play and purchase it or find a way to unlock it so you can create a new character in that race.
   Let’s start with the Human the most versatile and good playability with any class. The human has good base stats that are build-able for all classes they also have a Toughness Feat that can help you character survive in a bad spot. 
   The Elves have higher intelligence stats that help with wizards and roughs. They also have resistance to mental attacks and can develop other resistance to elements as you build your character. The resistance could work well for a specialist class.
   The Half-Elf is a cross breed with Humans and elves. They get a little of both or one or the other depends on the choices you make.  The half-elf because of not fitting in with ether the Elves or the Humans have Higher Charisma stat to compensate. You get a few choices of ether going with the human toughness feats or the elven resistance and hearing. The half-elf also get a special feat all to themselves that gives them partial abilities from another class like a rough with the ability to use wizard wands for example.
   The Dwarf is short ferry strong and hard to hit because of size. The strength is useful for any melee class and the Dwarves also have decent intelligence that could work well for a caster class.

  The Half-lings are sort of like a Hoppit they do have the short bonus making them hard to hit good for most classes and they have a dexterity bonus as well that could work well for rangers or roughs or a melee class.
   Those are the free Race choices I could go on about the others but you can figure that out yourself when you get there. Any way will have more helpful stuff in the next post. 

 And don’t forget about my Game info site  for tips and links to other game guides

Friday, June 8, 2012

   OK, Still waiting for some suggestions for new games to check out from you all.  The Show must go on, so, I have been playing DDO, that's short for Dungeons and Dragons Online. Here is some more useful stuff for that game.

    I have notice that there allot of new players to this game that are getting lost and don't know where to start so, here it goes.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dungeons and Dragons Online - Play for free and get the most out of it

Dungeons and Dragons Online - Play for free and get the most out of it

        I recently got back into Playing DDO or Dungeons and Dragons Online. I found it a really cool game to play for free and get allot of fun out of it. I am a VIP member of the site so I have access to everything in the game, but when I started I was a free play member.

       You can play for free and do allot of quest to get you up to level 10 without having to purchase any Turbine points. There a few secrets to earn free Turbine Points (T.P.).  When you create a character on any server you earn what are called Favor points for completing quests. the harder the difficultly that you complete the quest at, the more favor you earn. I should note here that the favor is a one time earn for each character on each quest.

        The first time you Earn favor with any character on each server is how you earn T.P.. For the first few quest the T.P. comes fast you get 25 points for the first 10 favor you earn and another 25 when you reach 50 favor and another 25 at 100 favor, getting T.P. every 100 favor after that. The key to doing it right is to save your T.P. for quest packets. If you spend your Turbine Points on quest packets you get access to that quest pack forever on any character or server you play that's linked to your account. 

        There are a few Other things that are worth spending T.P. on, such as a share bank, character slots, and Special Race or Classes.  For you to get the most T.P. earning potential without spending real money on Turbine points, concentrate your T.P. on quest packs.  As I said before when you get to level 10 you will run out of free quests to play and then no more favor to earn ether, so if you get the right packs and do them on the hardest setting you can keep moving up in level and getting the most play with no, or very little, money spent.

        Earning Turbine Points in Dungeons and Dragons Online is a long proses and to get all of the favor you need to get the most out of it for free you will have to play at least one character on every server, I myself have not done this on every server but have done it on most and I know what can be done and how to do it.
     Visit my Game Info site at Jayman's Game Info

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

WOW Game Guide Avoid Confusion
By Jason E Stevenson
     Power leveling, skill crafting, side quest, main quest, gold generating; All these are things you want to do in WOW, But get confused or lost along the way. Whether you get out of sequence with quests and have to repeat a dungeon multiple times or can't get enough gold or resources for crafting, you need help to get it done faster.
I am going to give you a few tips here to guide you and find what you need to get you where you want to go in World of Warcraft.
First things first, I will give you choices bellow for solutions:
  • Free guides: 
If you Choose the free Guide route you will find a lot of info that is useful but spread out from a lot of different sources. Most the stuff that's free, sometimes is a little out dated, and sometimes better strategies are found elsewhere. The best places to find the free strategies are Wiki, forums, and blogs.
  • Guild helps: 
Being a member of a large guild with experienced player is helpful, those experienced players are like interactive Wiki guides and can answer specific questions. Faster than searching for it on your own.
  • Pay Guides:
   Zygor is provably my top pick for a guide mainly because, it has sub-guides. it has lots of different strategies and quest helpers based on what type of play you do, what class, Race, faction and more.The Guide also interacts with the game giving you valuable information when you are in the game and playing. So you don't miss a step of the quest you need or items you're searching for.. Zygor Game Guide also stays up to date with patches, so your characters class abilities and talents are optimized.

   Dugi's Ultimate Guide is another good one, like Zygor leveling guide, it divides into sub-guides. This guide claims that it's not just an add-on it integrates with the game so it doesn't tell you to go after a quest you already did before you got the guide. This guide has versions that includes maps that can pop up in a tab as you play and the focus of this guide is not repeating quest or grinding.
  • Guide Books (helpful but usually out dated and guilds and experienced players know that stuff already): 
   Most guide books you can get outside the game have good useful information in them but you have to do a lot of reading ahead to know where to go before hand. There is possibility of missing one of the steps in a quest this way. this Information is official and most come direct from the game creators but there is no integration and help you along the way style of the before mentioned guides.
  • Walk through (there are good ones and bad ones be weary) 
    These are some of the things I mentioned earlier but need to clarify you can get walk through books you can get walk through online Wiki and forum Files. Basically all the guides are walk-through, but there are different specific walk-through information found from many sources. When, and if you use one of the other Guides, if you have trouble with something that the guide you use doesn't cover; know that there is always a specific walk-through you can find somewhere for every little quest,talent, class, or anything you want to know.
      In Summary, Whatever your play style most players believe a guide of some kind is a must in WOW, So, take one of my suggestions or find something on your own. Don't play without a guide or a friend with a guide to follow around.

If you want to find one of the Guides I talked about fast visit my newly built Game Info Portal site. I am quickly gathering allot of gaming information check it out.
SWTOR Sith Character Options
By Jason E Stevenson

     Guides are cool. In this Article I will talk about the Sith classes and game play. The in-game guides only scratch the surface of the game if you want to know more about your options and how to level your character properly you need to read this, and find as much help as you can.
SWTOR has two main Factions the Sith Empire and the Old Republic or Jedi. Now for the purpose of choice, the Jedi classes are and will continue being the most popular and played classes, But the Sith are just as powerful and probably won't have as many newbies running around so better quality players are in the area. The over crowded player areas may annoy some People, and if that's the case Sith is for you. 
 Sith worrier class

  • This is the Backbone of the Sith, they are a strong Melee DPS class. Marauders sub-class wields two light sabers and has acrobatic fighting techniques. Juggernaut sub-class turns the warrior into a tank, big heavy and hard to kill. 
Sith Inquisitor class
  • DPS is different with this one he uses force powers like a castor class from other games. This class has a lot of different options with the skill tree as you level up. You can go DPS caster type, or Healer. The Assassin path uses stealth fighting style and hard-hitting fast damage, and dual blade saber fighting.
Imperial Agent
  • In Star Wars the Old Republic the Agent is like spy or secret agent. The Imperial Agent has a choice for an Operative, Stealth fighting in close combat, mid-ranged attacks, or a Healer. The other choice is a Sniper, strong ranged DPS, and use droids and probes for status affects.
Bounty Hunter

  • The BH is probably the most versatile for not having any Jedi Powers, he makes up for it with awesome firepower. The Bounty Hunter class wears heavy armor, and mid-range DPS unmatched. Weapon choices blasters and rifles, almost make it hard to decide what to use. There is allot in common with the troopers, but you can follow the "Powertech" advancement profession. One choice is Becoming a tank, with energy shields to absorb damage. Another choice is ranged combat fighting combining with flamethrowers, and blasters. The "powertech" Bounty hunter has great crowd control. the other Advancement choice is Mercenary, as a Bounty Hunter Merc you can duel wield blasters, and be more like a smuggler, or go with a Bodyguard style and be a Healer.
      SWTOR is extremely complex and there is allot quests and leveling options so don't go it alone. I would recommend a guide, or walk through to keep you from falling behind. Your friends advancing faster than you can annoy them and you.

     Questing is the most important part of advancing your Sith class character. Take the time to listen to the quest giver so you know what they want you to do, but the space bar will speed up conversations with NPC's if you chose to skip through them. there are conversation options with some NPC's that change the way they deal with you too, but that's the fun in this game role-playing, so don't worry too much about that. Above all have fun, don't over think things whatever choices you make just follow them through to the end.

    If you want to find one of the Guides I talked about fast visit my newly built Game Info Portal site. I am quickly gathering a lot of gaming information check it out.
WOW Tips for Beginners
By Jason E Stevenson
   Here are Tips for the new players, and strategies to get you playing with the big boys in no time. Think of this Article as your own personal Warcraft trainer getting you in shape so you level fast, get the gold you want. And avoid the mistakes most beginners make.
  • Chapter 1: Choosing your main (or Favorite character)
    Spend some time playing a variety of classes and races try getting a few levels with each one. Trust me, getting to know how the other classes work and play style is invaluable, especially when you want do some group dungeons. It's good to know what you can do so you find the class and race you like the best WOW is about having fun after all, so, look around find the character you enjoy playing the most.
  • Chapter 2: Questing
    Questing is a must to level up fast doing the quest in the right order so you can get several quest complete and only kill the mob or boss once is the best way. I would suggest getting an in-game guide. the quest helper and pointer that comes in the game does not tell you where the quest givers are or point you to the right place to do the quest in the right order so you get it all done in one trip through the area. One of the Important things to know about World of Warcraft is that the higher the level of the quest and area you are in the more fun and better the loot is so wasting time in smaller areas keeps you from the real fun.
  • Chapter 3: Picking a Profession
     OK, this is Key, do you want to make lots of gold fast or have fun making useful equipment. if you want gold fast in the beginning then a gathering profession like mining, skinning, or herbalism, will work. if you want to make useful items then blacksmithing, enchanting, or jewel crafting will work. Some people choose two gathering professions, and sell the stuff at auction for massive gold. Others choose 2 crafting type professions and make cool stuff for themselves and sell the stuff they make at auction, but getting materials for this is expensive. Starting out I would suggest ether going all gathering or get one gathering and one crafting. You want to make sure the two you pick complement each other like mining and blacksmithing or jewel crafting, or skinning and leather working.
  • Chapter 4: Memory is Key
     Knowing where you're going is essential if you need to find the shops or trainers. It's a time saver not having to ask where they are so find them and remember because you will probably be back to them many times. Also, would like to mention Game Guides help with this too so you know where the dungeons are and where you are going right out of the gate.
  • Chapter 5: Get as much loot as possible
     One the biggest benefit in the game is being able to grab all the loot and sell it so you can get better stuff. The best tip for this is to get the biggest bag you can as quickly as you can. Having to drop stuff in an instant cause you can't carry anymore is frustrating. If you're in a group its helpful to each of you grab different stuff so you all have room or if you have room carry it for them and give it back to them later. Some items are bound so if you grab it you can't give it away so be careful about that.
  • Chapter 6: Macros, Macros, Macros
     Using Macros to do multiple spells and abilities fast is important to winning the day could be the defiance between life and death. Also in that group is the auto loot feature, time saver.
  • Chapter 7: Auction and selling
     Some items don't sell well at auction but you get a fair price from the game vender. and other items you have to watch closely sell for big money and others are average. Watch your prices and sell at the right place, don't under cut yourself.
  • Chapter 8: Mods, Add-ons, (guides, and Walk threw)
     I touched on these Guides earlier, but here we go. these are a must have if you want to level fast and get rich in the game and have the best weapons and gear they help you take advantage of every little step along the way and help you find what you're looking for faster and easier.
                          Dugi's Guides and Zygor Guides are good chioces.

     If you want to find one of the Guides I talked about fast visit my newly built Game Info Portal site. I am quickly gathering allot of gaming information check it out.
By Jason E Stevenson
     Primarily Known for Diplomacy and Peace making the SWTOR Consular, they are very skilled at being able to deploy Force and Command Armies for the Republic. This class being able to use force, and Unlock Secrets of the Jedi Art, makes them a power house.

    This Class is not a Warrior, but makes up for it in many ways. For instance the SWTOR Consular wields a Duel blade light saber and can predict the Future in combat making flawless counter strikes.

When you make your Character, your home planet is Tython, and a choice between Jedi Sage and Jedi Shadow as Subclasses.

If your SWTOR Consular goes the Sage path here are things to know about it.
  1. The sage focuses on Advancing Force Knowledge not Combat Skills like advancing his weapon.
  2. he Increases Wisdom to advance defensive abilities, and Immense Healing ability: meant to alter the outcome of any battle.
  3. The Sage also uses some Key Items here; Balance, Seer, and Telekinetic.
   Knowing the sage's Path is to playing him correctly.
   The other SWTOR Consular Choice is Shadow. The Shadow is Hidden Secretive and can Rock the house with force attacks when the time is right. The Shadow primarily avoid contact unless necessary, But make themselves Known when you least expect it.

    A Tactic most often used with the Shadow is sneaking into a camp hidden and shelling out powerful force manipulation and attacking with a stronger weapon then the sage. Influencing enemy to act differently in battle is a useful tool for the Shadow.

    The Shadow is a good choice for playing Solo, and he can use the Kinetic, Infiltration, and Balance very well. Good Range attacker but better at Melee. Although the Shadow only wears light Armor; He would make a pretty good tank and deal the damage quickly.
Weather, your SWTOR Consular Is Shadow or Sage he will be good with a single light saber of Duel Light saber, but choose which you can't use both well. Use this Information stated here to have you a good time tanking or Soloing with good results.

    One of the main Differences With the Consular is their use of the force others have to Draw the force out he can use it directly in combat by pushing enemies away from him, draining their heath or Hurling Rocks or other large objects at them for good damage.

     Just know that when you start the game you will be a basic Consular and not have sage or Shadow abilities right off. You will need to level your character before you can choose a path.
At Level 10 your SWTOR Consular gets to choose Ether Shadow or Sage. That is also when you start using Training points. And Experience comes slower at that point, but this gives you an opportunity to test your new advanced class abilities and fine tune your battle tactics.

     A Side note the Consular as with all classes has 5 companions you can choose to join you in combat or stay behind and gather resource, or craft Items Useful starting out get them to work for you and find the good balance for your missions.

If you want to find one of the Guides I talked about fast visit my newly built Game Info Portal site. I am quickly gathering a lot of gaming information check it out.