Monday, June 25, 2012

DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) Free Turbine farming Update 1

I have had allot of questions about the previous post on "free play  Turbine Farming" I will examine each question  and explain.

  • Does my Alternate character earn favor and points?
Yes and No. Every character Earns Favor, but the Turbine Bonus is only awarded to your account once per server.  So, which ever Character on that server has the highest total Favor points is earning the bonus. All your characters on that sever will get a mail about the Turbine award though whether that was the character the earned it or not.

  • Do I have to do all the quest on elite the first time out to earn the TP (Turbine Points)?
  No, you can do the quest at what ever difficulty you think you can handle and succeed. Although, you get the maximum amount of Favor for completing them on Elite. You can always go back later at a higher level and do them again on Elite to earn the favor.

  • How much favor do I get for each quest, and how do I know what I have done already?
  Each Quest awards a different amount of Favor, based on the level and difficulty. If you hit the "P" button In-game, the Patron and adventure menu opens. You can see you total favor earned with each Patron or House. there is an Adventures tab there that will show you a list of all the quest available for your level and lower.  That adventure list can be sorted by alphabetical, level, patron, or favor earned.
 There you can see what you have already done what difficulty setting you completed it on and the quest you skipped or never started.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

DDO Beginers Creation help

DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) tips for beginners. Part 1 Character Creation

Choosing a Class:

   There are lots of choices to make in the beginning.  For the Melee Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, or Monk. For the Specialist choices you have:  Rough, Artificer, Ranger, and Bard. Finally my Favorite is the Caster Category:  Wizard, Cleric, Sorcerer, and Favored Soul.

   The choices there do affect your play style, and future choices.  The thing to remember is that your enjoyment and balance of ability is equal in any of the classes. All are different, but they all have strengths and weaknesses. Don't regret any choice you make. Just play on, I guarantee you will learn a good strategy for that class and have lots of fun finding out. If you ultimately get in there and don't like the way your characters turned out, or how he plays make a different one. Free play accounts have 4 character slots play around with it till you find one you like.  
    There have been many time I was playing my character in this game or others and an in-game friend starts asking me questions about how I did that, or what abilities that character has. Then a few minutes or hours later a new character comes up to me and says “hi it's me like my new wizard". That has happened with every class I have played. The best advice I can give about choosing a character class start with one that sounds like fun and try to get it to level 6 at least before you change your mind. Most classes start to get interesting around 6-8. And as you are out there grouped with other players, pay attention to what they do, and what they like, you may see another class choice you want for your next character.

Choosing a Race:

   The Next part of character creation is the race. There are a number of good choices for free and some have to be unlocked or purchased, but I would find one you like the first time out from the free choices.  After you play awhile you may find a race you are curious to play and purchase it or find a way to unlock it so you can create a new character in that race.
   Let’s start with the Human the most versatile and good playability with any class. The human has good base stats that are build-able for all classes they also have a Toughness Feat that can help you character survive in a bad spot. 
   The Elves have higher intelligence stats that help with wizards and roughs. They also have resistance to mental attacks and can develop other resistance to elements as you build your character. The resistance could work well for a specialist class.
   The Half-Elf is a cross breed with Humans and elves. They get a little of both or one or the other depends on the choices you make.  The half-elf because of not fitting in with ether the Elves or the Humans have Higher Charisma stat to compensate. You get a few choices of ether going with the human toughness feats or the elven resistance and hearing. The half-elf also get a special feat all to themselves that gives them partial abilities from another class like a rough with the ability to use wizard wands for example.
   The Dwarf is short ferry strong and hard to hit because of size. The strength is useful for any melee class and the Dwarves also have decent intelligence that could work well for a caster class.

  The Half-lings are sort of like a Hoppit they do have the short bonus making them hard to hit good for most classes and they have a dexterity bonus as well that could work well for rangers or roughs or a melee class.
   Those are the free Race choices I could go on about the others but you can figure that out yourself when you get there. Any way will have more helpful stuff in the next post. 

 And don’t forget about my Game info site  for tips and links to other game guides

Friday, June 8, 2012

   OK, Still waiting for some suggestions for new games to check out from you all.  The Show must go on, so, I have been playing DDO, that's short for Dungeons and Dragons Online. Here is some more useful stuff for that game.

    I have notice that there allot of new players to this game that are getting lost and don't know where to start so, here it goes.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dungeons and Dragons Online - Play for free and get the most out of it

Dungeons and Dragons Online - Play for free and get the most out of it

        I recently got back into Playing DDO or Dungeons and Dragons Online. I found it a really cool game to play for free and get allot of fun out of it. I am a VIP member of the site so I have access to everything in the game, but when I started I was a free play member.

       You can play for free and do allot of quest to get you up to level 10 without having to purchase any Turbine points. There a few secrets to earn free Turbine Points (T.P.).  When you create a character on any server you earn what are called Favor points for completing quests. the harder the difficultly that you complete the quest at, the more favor you earn. I should note here that the favor is a one time earn for each character on each quest.

        The first time you Earn favor with any character on each server is how you earn T.P.. For the first few quest the T.P. comes fast you get 25 points for the first 10 favor you earn and another 25 when you reach 50 favor and another 25 at 100 favor, getting T.P. every 100 favor after that. The key to doing it right is to save your T.P. for quest packets. If you spend your Turbine Points on quest packets you get access to that quest pack forever on any character or server you play that's linked to your account. 

        There are a few Other things that are worth spending T.P. on, such as a share bank, character slots, and Special Race or Classes.  For you to get the most T.P. earning potential without spending real money on Turbine points, concentrate your T.P. on quest packs.  As I said before when you get to level 10 you will run out of free quests to play and then no more favor to earn ether, so if you get the right packs and do them on the hardest setting you can keep moving up in level and getting the most play with no, or very little, money spent.

        Earning Turbine Points in Dungeons and Dragons Online is a long proses and to get all of the favor you need to get the most out of it for free you will have to play at least one character on every server, I myself have not done this on every server but have done it on most and I know what can be done and how to do it.
     Visit my Game Info site at Jayman's Game Info